What’s on in June?

Here at Artisanity we are passionate about doing everything we can to support those running creative micro-businesses.

Part of our grand plan (Mwahahahaha!) has always been to help up-skill people who are ‘incidental’ business people alongside doing what they love. So many of us started our businesses to share our work but have very little confidence and experience on the business side.

There are many business-ey workshops out there but they seem to think a small business is one with ‘only’ 50 employees and a turnover of £500,000. We felt there was a gap for people like us who want to understand how to set up or develop our micro-businesses and make them easier to run – but are on an extremely tight budget.

We are thrilled that we are starting to pull together a fantastic range of small business focussed workshops with leaders who really understand what we are about. The chance for our creative community to come together, share skills, explore new options and come away inspired to move out of our comfort zone a little.

We have a FREE (for Artisanity Members) session from Dave at DPB Will Writing Services who is coming along to answer all your questions, dispel some myths and take the fear and complication out of the process. This is an online event and will be recorded so do sign up even if you can’t make it on the night.

We really rely on Social Media but, let’s face it, most of us are just winging it!

The fabulous Lynda, from Pepper Social, is running these monthly free sessions so we can get together regularly to ask all those nagging little questions and share ideas to use it more effectively.

Lynda will also being leading a more in-depth session focussing on her ‘Top Tips to Grow your Instagram Account’ later in June. We live in such a visual world now but how do you get your work out there? Again, this is an online session and the video will be available afterwards to those who register.

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